Here I am going to discuss a much-needed topic for today’s society. I am straight away entering into the subject. The first thing is in my country(India), bribe was spread all over the country. From all the government offices to small sectors it was there. It’s hard to get a job finished from government offices without bribe. Here I will list out some of the worst things in my country,
i.) Accepting bribes in Govt. hospitals for doing Pregnancy and other Critical Operations.
ii.) Accepting bribes at traffic signals and leaving all the culprits.
iii.) Accepting bribes in all the Govt. offices to get a job done.
iv.) To give a College/University seat accepting bribes.
v.) For getting license, passport etc, accepting bribes.
And so on…………………………… This post is not enough to list out all the things here. Here I listed out 0.1%. Still lot more there.
I don’t know whether these things are happening only in our country or all over the world. You people just share your views here about this and answer this question.
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Sunday, June 1, 2008
World : Bribe for everything....... When this will change?
Posted by
Selerines Group
6/01/2008 01:41:00 PM
Labels: International
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We the public alone can't do anything about this, we are always in a hurry to get things done and so we don't mind bribing. Only awareness among the public and strict rules from the Government can put an end to this.
I have given bribes for crossing red traffic light, for getting an FIR in the police station and for parking on the wrong side of the road.
I have given bribes for getting motorcyle and car driving licences.
I have given bribe in the court to the cashier for giving receipt.
I have given bribe at the Registrar's office at the time of buying my flat and to give my son's bith certificate immediately.
I have given bribes to get big orders.
Even now I give inflated bills to some customers so that they can make some money.
Bribe is generally given to get out of trouble, to get things done fast, to get repeat business etc.
As long as there are greedy men and women who want to make quick money without sweat bribe cannot be eliminated.
Best wishes!
@Joel : Strict rules ha? Good joke my friend!!!! See in order to get rid of these rules only we are giving bribes... So what's the use of putting strict rules....
@Joseph : It not sounds good.....
We should have a secret assassination team with loads of snipers to kill these buggers who take bribes.
That will be awesome. We get rid of so many evils. Over population, bribes...the list is endless.
It all started with us playing a very popular game online everyday.................The rest as they say is his story. :D
HI SEL thanks for dropping a comment, of course am interested in link exchange as for your post i think neither of the two groups that you mentioned at the end is responsible for corruption.
i think there is a third powerful group that is causing the problem , they drain the economy causing salaries to drop while prices rise which leads to employees taking bribe just to provide living.
so to fix the situation you have to do fundamental change in the economy because of the old saying " no morality with hunger and no life with out morality"
@Karhik : Hmmmm ya champ good idea....... But if we do like that, then our population will touch near some hundreds or thousands..
@Bader : Ya nice point... But who's mistake is first? It's hard to tell right? It's not possible for us to correct each and every employees. So it's our responsibility to make ourselves in correct way.....
Same thing happen in Malaysia. 'Power breeds corruption' I guess the giver and receiver are both culpable.
Still, it's better to avoid being in trouble & bribing will change people's attitudes towards work & etc.
Whats bribe eh ?
Hi Selerines! I thought well of your question… In France the bribes, the corruption, is very strictly prohibited. To give a bribe is as reprehensible as to accept it. It is perhaps with the fact that there is less of injustice than in other countries? The only illicit payments that we discover sometimes are at the time of transactions in high-finance towards foreign countries… But there too it is prohibited. I never gave one. Never. Moreover the first civil servant who asks me for one of them, I box his face to him and I denounce it with the police forces. Illico!
@Cyeat : Who is responsible first? According to me we are reponsible for it. If they are asking bribe means, why we are not thinking about it. We don't have that sense ha?
@A.I Editor : Ya you are absolutely right. What about your country friend?
@L****u : Who is this? Try to be straight forward. Don't hide for any thing....
@Gwendal : Good one gwendal... Nice to hear it...
In the Philippines, that is part of the government too. Well, in the private sector, that is just a rare case. But why do people bribe? Bureaucracy demands that every policy should be followed by leaders and subordinates but if these rules become stiff or impractical, then the public will rather choose bribery to speed the process. Greedy as people are, some will rather accept the "gift" So I must say, policies should be reviewed well and often, and salaries of government employees should be attractive enough so they wont be tempted to accept bribery. Moral ethics must also be highly enforced in the general public and the government. I would want to review the behavior involved in bribery, so this includes seeing the ones who bribe and the ones who accept it.
The worst things in your country sound "rosier" to me compared to what happens in my country (Kenya) when one wants to get a service rendered. When people are exposed to bribes and corruption to get what they rightfully deserve to get, then they get innured to the fact that they have to "serve" bribes in order to get things moving (Otherwise, who needs to get delayed when they know that they just have to "cough" out something "small" to get the engine oiled and running. In kenya we call it KK (Kiswahili abbreviation for "Kitu Kidogo" - meaning "something small"). Check out this article about corruption on my site:
Hallo, Shiva friend
I am glad you asked about my resident country.
The bribery still happens I guess but we have a government body called Badan Pencegah Rasuah (Body of Bribe Prevention)in least we have one. Whether or not the body is effective or active to say the least & not taking bribes itself is another story. Lol.
My experience about bribery.
@Rosilie : Ya your point is nice... But even though if the Govt. increase the salary, they won't stop the habbit of getting bribes.. It's hard to get rid off...
@Ritch : Ya it's so sad to see in my country..... I don't know whom i should blame for this....
@A.I Editor : Thanks for sharing it friend....
Hi Shiva,
How come I had to pay a bribe to post a comment on your blog? :-)
More seriously, bribes are linked to the level of economic and freedom development.
That's a fact.
More developed is a country, more democracy is a real shared concept, more bribes become marginal.
By the way, thanks to visit my blog and I agree to exchange links.
I already put you on my blogroll.
Let's keep in touch.
If you are interested by economics and financial markets, you can visit my other blog as well:
I can't totally agree with the idea of bribe. But a low-level person asking bribe is somewhat ok.
Like a constable who stands all day in traffic. Rs 50/- bribe is kinda ok.
The top shots taking bribe is too much!
@tdsmapper : How it's acceptable da? Are they beggars to ask money from us? Even the beggar also standing all day at the signal and begging for money. How many of us are giving money to that person?
I won't accept your point da.. Whether it's low-level or high-level employee.... It doesn't matter what they are. Getting bribe is crime.... Thats it!!! At the same time we people are having the three-fourth responsibitiy for it...
Bribery and corruption are a two-party crime, it cannot be committed without the consent of another. Both our countries are facing massive corruption problem. I just hope that the younger generation would not follow in our corrupt politicians' footsteps.
I will never end.
Hope will just remain as hope.
What do u mean by low level bribe is accepted. What if you need to give him Rs.50 which you feel low every time and everyday.
@ ROseilie
Not only in Philiphines or KEnya it happens every where.
@ All
Bastards still get bribes and corrupt the whole nation. No one can stop them, For everything and anything they corrupt, As far as people give bribe, the bribe takers will exist. As far as people are perfect they need not give bribe, So when will this happen? DO you al think it will happen?
both r responsible man.....
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