Saturday, June 7, 2008

Selerines World - What's your suggestion?

Selerines World

It was almost three months over, that my blog was started. From the day i have started blogging, i tried so many things in different way to achieve uniqueness in this blogging world. But i don't know to much extent i have achieved my goals. Still i am desperately searching for the different things which will put me in a better position in this blogging world. Through this period, i have faced so many criticisms from all the directions. At the same time, i got so many appreciations from many sides which helped me a lot to try out the things in a unique way.

Here i want you people to tell some suggestions in order to improve "Selerines World". Please share any thing frankly here whether its good or bad.

Thank you to all of you!!!


Anonymous said...

I think picture in every post is not necessary dude, coz we're grown ups so we should understand reading the post title.

Seriously, all your post topics are really good, keep rocking and keep blogging.

Anonymous said...

Keep the unique work up ? :D

(You have a Selerines Technologies and Solutions Pvt. Ltd ? Registered with Govt. of India ?)

Marc said...

I am tired of hearing the sentences 'share your views' and 'share your thoughts' over and over again on every blog. Why not avoid that sentence?

Selerines said...

@Rachel : Ok rachel... I will try it out from next post onwards.. But for the kind of posts, which requires photos to explain the concept of post to public in a better way like one of my previous posts "Cheer leaders", if i put images means then it won't look bad na....

@Karthik : Hmmmm... Ya even though it sounds bad for some people. It's one of my way of accelerating future dreams, aim and ambition. Thats why i put it... No other reason... Yet i have to register dude!!!

@Marc : Ok dude... Sure!!!!

Abas KS said...

Yo, Shiva..wasssuuupp?

I think you are doing fine with your blog. I have been blogging for more than a year & basically nowhere near the uniqueness of your blog.

First, go on your own domain & hosting, at least your desired PR will be achieved faster.

Then show readers some amazing interactive blog enhancements like your own flash, widgets, & etc.

I have some ideas but am yet unable to do it. You can do it, you are a software engineer for goodness sakes!

Anonymous said...

Hi Shiva :-)
Suggestions? I think anyone will have one or two, especially it is easier to criticize others :-)
Besides, if we put some "suggestions" here (positive or not), it's because we like to come here time to time. Otherwise, why should we bother to?

1 - I came to visit your blog just a short time ago after I received your comment & request. I have pleasure to come here. I think it is for both: posts and comments. I am sure a lot of your readers will share this view. Very Good!

2-In some ways, this last post is a little bit strange: according your post, your only target seems to become "unique" and reach "a high level" in the blogs world. For which purpose(s)? Think about that... Answers will come automatically :-)

3 - I agree with Marc, so I don't need to write it again

4 - You should be more involved in your posts. Asking a question as a post, is good if your purpose is to manage a community (and I repeat it is really interesting to read the comments you received - Just with all your visitors'comments, you already achieved a very respectable target) otherwise, it will not be enough in the long run. See for example the post about Global Warming... Some of your posts attracted more comments than others. Think about that too. When you include added value, feedback is larger and faster.

5 - It's a pure personal opinion: your design is a little bit too flashy, with too much widgets. Which part should be more important? Don't transform your blog into a Christmas tree.

6 - It is not enough to invite people to exchange links with you. If they did, you should do it too (by adding their link). Otherwise your requests could be only be considered as spam

7 - Do I need to go further about the comment from Khartik? With the flashy widgets, it could mislead your visitors by letting them thinking it's all fake or superficial or childish. And I am sure (as your other visitors) that is not your purpose, right?

8 - I don't really agree with Rachel. Pictures could be very useful.

9 - Finally, don't forget one thing: people are supposed to create a weblog for themselves first (if your main target was making money, hum hum hum...). Only you can see and judge if your results are what you expected at the first place.

Looking forward to read your future posts,
Have a nice Sunday.

Selerines said...

@A.I Editor : Ya sure friend.... I am waiting for the correct time. I will be having my own domain within one or two months...

@Franck :

1- Ya thanks friend.
2- I am posting those kind of stuffs, to get the views from different kind of people who are having different mindset and so on... Please don't ask this question for what? Actually i like the way of arguing the things with many people and concluding an answer from it...
3- Me too agree with Marc.. Definitely i will change those kind of silly things in my blog....
4- Nice suggestion... I will follow it from next post from onwards...
5- Ok friend... I think now my "Selerines World" become some what ok.. Now i removed some widgets.... So check in to that.
6- I already added all the people up to my knowledge, from whom i got the reply.. Fine if any thing seems to be missing means, then surely i will add it...
9- My first aim is to do good and informative blogging. Earning money, getting high PR are all different case...

Finally i wanna tell one more thing here. It's my nature of trying out things in different way, in spite of criticisms and so on... In this competitive world, i wanna stand unique in each and every thing that i am doing. I am not ready to follow others... That's the thing i am following here too. So don't mistake that word "Uniqueness"....

Anonymous said...

Your blog terribly lacks some personal post. Public issues are interesting! yes accepted, But seeing this kind of posts always is kind of annoying, you blog need some variety.

Abas KS said...

All the best to you, Shiva!

Anonymous said...


I said pictures are not necessary in every post like.....we know what's all about global warming ( so why picture there ), but off course when it comes to Cheer leaders ( we do need pics ).

Selerines said...

@Gauda : I am putting those kind of general posts, to interact more openly with all global bloggers. No other reason da.... If there is a need means then surely, i will put it da... Thanks for ur nice suggestion...

@A.I Editor : Thanks friend...

@Rachel : Ya that's what i asked you.. Fine...

Anonymous said...

This is not his personal blog. Dod he say it?

He just making his post universal which we all don't do, so shiva you are unique indeed. Continue doing what you like.

Don't ask suggestion else you will lose your uniqueness.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog. But it lacks content. You may somehow succeed in increasing pagerank or but readers want stuff to read. If not daily 18-20 posts spread over month. As about link exchange sure. I'll put your blog in the list.

Abas KS said...

I like Selerines World blog! :-) WOOoooOOo!

Yandisa said...

Hi Selerines,

To be honest. Just blog what you believe is what you need to voice out. Do not be scared. The world is at our feet :)

Anonymous said...

well first I would like to extend my appreciation for the compliments you left on my blog.. Thank u. And yes I am very interested in sharing my opinions on the issues we are all now facing.. Thanks again :)

mizz wilson

Lalaine said...

you;re doing a great job! I'm even quite impressed that you're getting quite a number of comments in your post.

By the way, I could change link with you as requested..I'll add you up now..add me too!

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