Our world was so much affected by Global Warming. As we all know, it was caused by so much pollution, deforestation and so on. No one is showing any interest towards this issue. One sad thing is even the world's many important countries are not ready to sign the agreement to get rid of Global Warming.
I know it's hard to get rid of it. Then you people tell which will be the alternative and correct solution for this problem. At the same time, i want my fellow foreign bloggers to share the things about the steps that are taken by their respective countries.
It's 19.00h in Barcelona and it is cloudy. Well, today it has rained, it's being cloudy and sunny (the weather is crazy)...We have had a "big" problem of water in Catalunya (in the northeast of Spain). I hasn't rained for months and the government determined water cuttings for farmers and some activities were prohibited, like filling swimmingpools, washing cars, or taking care of gardens. The problem was very critical a couple of weeks ago (most critical in the last 25 years) and more cuttings for the population were prepared after summer, but fortunately it began to rain and these restrictions have disappeared. The problem is that we could have used water from other rivers in Spain, which water is being lost in the sea. Nevertheless, it hasn't been possible because of polythics...natural resources are a polythical issue and that is the BIG PROBLEM, here in Spain and everywhere in the world. I think that the need of potable water will be one of the most important issues in the near future, so be prepared ;)
For us here, one of the biggest problem is IGNORANCE.In actuality it's the mentality of most Malaysians that could not be bothered with this issue. To most people, as long as it doesn't affect them directly[at least not for now!] it's OK. We have tons of people burning their rubbishes and it's not like the Government is willing to fork out more money to educate the citizens. With the raising petrol prices, the money can be well spent to subsidize the fuel to ensure that the citizens will be able to enjoy a much more affordable price. Unfortunately only the Environmental Groups are initiating actions but they're not well-funded.
I like snow so being hot is uncomfortable for me. So, yeah..global warming is the pits. I am against it.
Well, I try to do my part. We bought a Honda to drive which uses gas more efficiently and we don't go anywhere unless we have a lot of things to do in the same area. We recycle everything that we can recycle. I don't buy aerosol cans anymore. We try to do everything organic. Um...I don't know, other than me getting really mad at people who litter and trying to teach people things they can do, I don't know much else we can do for the rest of the world.
I am from the US and definitely feel that Global Warming needs to be a priority for everyone. One of the things we are doing in our household, is to use energy saving light bulbs.
This is something which we cant control.
Firstly, one should not speak about global climatic warming, but about global climatic changing. Because weather will not heat for everyone… it can even cool for some! In France, we signed the protocol of Kyoto with enthusiasm because our country being one of the oldest industrialized countries of the world, we feel a share of responsibility. I think that each one can pay attention to its consumption of energy, but in fact especially the states must have a voluntary policy to fight against pollution. Unfortunately much of emerging countries like India (sorry Selerines!) do not do enough efforts in feel. And I do not speak about the USA that makes fun royally of the rest of the world as regards ecology…
global warming... oh my... im like melting here... why the hack does it happen... everyone knows... but how can we help?? i dont know...
Hello! I am not so sure about this global warming thing. I know there is a lot of evidence and everything, but couldn't it possibly just be earth's natural cycle? I know that we humans are definitely damaging the earth, but are we really damaging it as much as we think we are? This was the longest winter we've had in Bemidji, Minnesota (USA) in over 15 years. It doesn't really feel like global warming is really kicking in here. What about the ice ages? Why could they have ended and melted all the ice? I doubt that the cavemen were making too much unnatural pollution back then. It must have just been the natural cycle. I am not totally sure about this. I am about half and half right now. I am positive that the world looks crappier now, and that humans have taken a toll on the beauty of this marvelous world we think is our own personal garbage disposal. I was just thinking about it from a different point of view. I could very easily be wrong, but sometimes you have to question other possibilities, or you may never find truth in life.
well, i think we can always do our little share of preventing global climatic change... a small act multiplied by the number of people can turn out to be one big act... of course government policies help a great deal... but if people are really concerned, they don't need laws or regulations to do it...
by the way, as you requested, i posted photos of roses in my entries entitled "nunc scio quid sit amor" and "roses, loneliness and tragedy"...
With the increase in Population and the consumption of enormous amount of energy, there is no way to stop global warming. But we can atleast try our level to reduce global warming to some extent.
Recently i heard about the protest against the use of "Electrical Bulbs" it's said Electrical Bulbs contribute a notable percentage towards Global warming.
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On global warming, i think the world should unite on this as this is a very important issue, we only have this world and no other. We should take care of it and not abuse it. I believe action should start in everyone.
Well, I mostly agree with Gwendal.
We in the West have to reduce our energy consumption. And everyone in the World should lobby their governments for the development of clean energy using sun, wind and so on.
For example, I have learnt that with some kind of solar dish you can cook a meal only 30 minutes slower than with a standard oven. Just imagine if all the peasants in India and Africa (sunny countries) used this, rather than firewood ?
I think I read somewhere that India is beginning to invest in solar energy.
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