Thursday, July 24, 2008

** When will this change?

Politicians on one side accepting bribes, doing the favor things for themselves using the power, living a safe life under the shadows of security guards, having four to five cars in their houses, crores and crores of money in bank accounts and so on. They won't care about the people and their life, they will always keep on giving importance to their own life. No proper plans, no proper execution, no proper arrangements etc,. to get rid off problems like poverty etc,. One side these politicians are living peacefully with lots of money through bribes.

What's the other side?

This is the other side. As i already said, these is no proper plans, no proper execution, no proper arrangements etc,. to get rid off problems like poverty etc,. The problems like Poverty still remains in many parts of the world, but no one is doing any thing for it. Then what's the use of voting and bringing them into those seats, no use. From the starting day of this world to this day, this is the main problem existing here. No one tried to solve it, that's the truth. I think it will never change.

What you think about politicians?

Are they satisfying the people needs?

Do they make a change?

Voting and Electing them, is this valuable for us or to them?

What's the situation in your country?


Oman said...

It's a two way street. People should vote wiser and not sell their votes to these corrupt politicians.

Anonymous said...

The one sentence that answers all your queries " Welcome to India" or whatever country you belong too.

Things are not going to change for ever.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's why politics is a dirty game. By the way you are already in my blog links. You are added here, just look for Selerines world in the R to Y.

Sorry my blog links is a little messed up. :)

Marc said...

What the hell, Rachel you stole my line!

I am the one who replies to these topics with:

Welcome to India.

Siva, things will not change here.

RaSh said...

Yup. In this case, things won't change. Ever.

And as far as electing Politicians is concerned, who will you vote for? Everyone's corrupt. That's the reason why those "wise" voters tend to not vote at all :(

Priya Joyce said...

Don't even have the interest to answer such Questions as I am disheartened and don't really feel tat this will improve unless someone with tremendous leadership qualities comes up and does something.

escape said...

it's also in the people. if they vote an irresponsible and selfish person, then they get what they voted.

it's just bad when some politicians are good at promising things but forgets it when he/she is already in the position.

the poor are usually the ones suffering from their selfishness.

Rosilie said...

politicians are supposed to serve the nation but then, power and greed preceed their calling of service. so, people must then be my friend.

Anonymous said...

We're so corrupted, there are no words to describe it. A country where rules are made to be broken and where votes don't matter[after all, votes can be bought].

Sometimes we should blames ourselves for not taking the initiatives to vote them out of the office. Maybe we do deserve it...It's up to US to initiate the change not anyone else. Ignorance is a dangerous thing.

Shawie said...

there's no such thing as perfect civilization even here in the US, things happen but they take good care of it better...

Stanley said...

When will this change.Sadly, as optimistic as I am the day politicians are not corrupted is the day pigs start to fly! Its just human nature to do those things when they have all that power. That where the people come in, like what the people in my country did. They were tired of the management so they voted to opposition!

Anonymous said...

"Jab tak Samose mein aloo rahega ..Tab tak Bihar mein Laloo rahega"

As he said, things won't change forever. The system of democracy needs to be changed.

IJ Hanna Lucky said...

What's the situation in your country?
Only God will Help us

thanks for asking important questions Selerines

Gwendal Denis said...

The best way of getting rid of the corrupted politicians, it is not to vote for them, not? Of another side, if these politicians are elected because they give favours to the voters, it is not more democracy.

Ritch said...

Shiva, I think politicians, the world over, are just the same. They can promise to build a bridge even where there is no river. They are guided by lies and their one singular motive (at least for most of them) is to fleece us of our hard earned resources to satiate their own personal whims. May God help us to “smell out” the wolves in sheep clothing amongst our politicians. Poor people are increasing by the day in our beloved countries. Africa is badly hit by such kinds of politicians. These politicians of ours are sliding further and further away from any semblance of democracy. Only younger, smarter and corruption-free leaders will save our countries. We should champion for such a cause. What do you guys think?

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