Don't get surprised because of the post title. The issue that we are going to discuss here is Racism in name of color difference among the people. Our body color is the natural one, i don't know why these people are fighting based on that color differences. What's the need for it? I am not interested to point out the country names here. By reading this post itself each and every one will realize the main thing inside this post. This may not be experienced by any one here in India, but we people experienced a lot in foreign countries. Even animals are not seeing these kind of differences between them, then why should we?

We should learn from you <<<<<<<
I think these things are happening because of our sixth sense. Is it?
I'm Black, I'm White, I'm Brown - So what?
Kindly pen down your views about racism and also try to share the information regarding this, about the things that you have experienced so far in your life time.
I am brown :P
so what???
Well.... funny but when I see strangers, foreigners... I always curious about them. To learn other's culture and discuss many things that I haven't even figured out before :D I can never understand why there is a term called: "Racism"...
What make us different is not how we look, but what we do....
I must say, people by nature are racist one way or another, we criticize people by their education or economic status, by their beliefs and by any criterion they know. So, I believe it's only a matter of subjective perception. If we cant accept people by the way they are, we dont expect to be treated as normal as the others too.that is justice. tc my friend.hope to hear from u.
Well, Bharathiyar wrote a poem on this one. I don't remember the lines exactly, but it ends as 'enna niramayinum avai ore tharam andro' (Doesn't matter what the color is, aren't they of the same stature?)
I don't have problem with that...heck, who cares if I'm Asian...what matters most is what's inside your heart... in the end, we're all the same, we all will die...
@Audee : Nice one aud... Hope that every one will realize it very soon....
@Linkin : We should shoot out these kind of ass holes.... What they are going to achieve through this? He is not fit for that job!!!
@Rosilie : Yeah you are partially correct.. But not all are like that!!!
@Hariharan : Welcome dude... Nice to see the lines from a Tamil poem here... You are absolutely right.
@Salamat : What matters most is what's inside your heart Most of the hearts is full of dirt... So no use..
Whether White, Black, Brown or purple use your 6th sense all you fools :)
Racism? It should've been discrimination. I haven't had any such problems yet[thankfully] but I can understand being in that position. My cousin who is currently doing his Matriculation, oh well, let's just put it as out of 500+ odd students, about 5% are non-Muslims. Following the regulation 4 students share a dorm room and each room must have 3 Muslims and 1 non-Muslim. He was obviously shocked at first, coming from a Chinese-specialized school, he found it hard to blend with the pack. After about a month, he is now thoroughly impressed and happy with his friends. At first they were curious with his culture and stuff but after some time they're getting used to each other well.
In this case, IF I were faced with this situation, I'd just walk-away and not stick my nose too long. It's best you walk away when you feel that the situation is out of your control. Not that you're conceding defeat to the bunch of racists but rather being sensible. Some time it's just pointless to try and educate this people. They're worthless to you, so why should you care or waste your energy by getting mad at them? I'm sure this works in the small scale.
The best way to educate this is through the grass root level.
The thing is we all feel more comfortable with little compartments in our heads. This is good, this is bad. This one is like me, this one isn't. Prejudice takes many many forms, as Rosilie said.
Being fairly educated and used to talking to people from many different countries and backgrounds, I was very shocked to see all the weird thoughts that went through my head during my first trip to Asia. Not about skin colour, but about other aspects of society. But then I had to laugh when I realized that people also reacted to me with their own prejudices (I am white and couldn't conceal that I was a foreigner).
It's not just grass-root, it's that we are deeply shaped by our education and culture and it requires a very big and counscious effort to break these boundaries, everyday.
in india also i see racism,white people discriminating black's.but i believe wats inside the heart not color
i am brown so what? God gave me this color it simply means He loves me. he could have made me violet! hahaha...
i don't like to be with racist.
The picture is perfect! Animals are far better than humans when it comes to 'treatment with equality'.
Racism in India has come down a lot with more urbanization. By the way, do you have sixth-sense? I haven't seen that, have to download. :D
Hariharan, thats a brilliant poem by the Mahakavi.
"Vellai nirathoru poonai,engal veetil valarudhu kandeer..
pillaigal perrandhap poonai,avai pearukkoru niramaagum..
saambal niram oru kutty,karum saandhu niram oru kutty..
paambin niram oru kutty,vellai paalin niram oru kutty..
endha niram irundhaalum,avai yaavum oru tharam andro..
indha niram siridhentrum,idhu yeatram endrum sollalaamo.."
Go OBAMA!!! Hahahah....lolz. People in Malaysia is generally really really well mixed. Racism only come into play in "higher up" places like politics and stuff.
I think racism is the result of ignorance. Unfortunately it is still present in the US. The most important thing to realize about racism is that we each have the ability to combat it through modeling. Show respect to everyone regardless of race, class or age!
Racism sucks. However it should not be confused with the protection of one's itsy bitsy sized homeland as compared to super power nations.
@Rachel : If they have sixth sense means then why should they do like this? Useless ones in this world...
@Share : Nice point.. Grass root level... But if the parents itself are like that means, then what's the solution? Then it is not possible to bring up them from grass root level right?
@Bharath : Dirt is there inside the heart.. Nothing else...
@Dong : God gave it.. But these people don't understand this...
@Pnithya : Welcome to Selerines World.. Your identity?
@Visu : Hey you always rocks man.. Nice poem by Mahakavi... He too rocks all the time... This one adds so much value to this post...
@Stanley : Stanley???? I don't know what type of response OBAMA will get from American people!!!!
@Just another blogger : Yeah it's really so much there in US and so on... Sorry i am not ready to point out any thing..
@AI : It wont be compared friend... Nice point...
You know, I keep thinking about this post. I quite like the way with which, Selerines, you raise big problems in a matter of fact way.
As a person born from a mixed European marriage, I have had close encounters with prejudices from my childhood. Again today, I felt like exploding after a casual exchange in a foreign language lesson which revealed the common prejudices most people are filled with. I am not trying to say that I don't have any prejudices. I believe we all have limitations, but that these limitations can change with time and situations. And love/friendship.
Being issued from two cultures, which I can only love because they are the culture of my mum and the culture of my dad (although these two cultures have a strong love-hate relationship), I can only agree with those who say that one of the keys is the heart.
Another key is probably talking, sharing, travelling. Agreeing to b gently challenged by situations and people, refusing final words and boudaries.
Education, culture, is only skin deep. It easily scratches off. When we allow ourselves to be touched by others, then there is hope.
In the end (and from the beginning), we are all the same People sharing the same Earth.
I don't understand the reference to Superpowers. For me the very powerful of the World are only a handful and they get on very well together whatever the colour of the skin. They agree that money is everything and who cares about how many suffer.
Sorry to ramble, Selerines, but today I felt like crying from frustration, and your website offered a kind and welcoming place - hope you don't mind :o)
@Helene : Thanks for sharing the information.... Its really a nice thing for me to hear your experiences in my blog. Fine friend keep in touch here....
I think the very word 'Racism' should be ruled out from the daily use. I know how Asians who go to European countries for higher studies and for job were humiliated in the name of Race and color. But no one would get offended of Racism if they put away their inferiority complex and look at the other as an ordinary human and not as one's who jumped directly from heaven.
Absolutely, this world will become a boring one if we are all the same.Everyone should learn to accept one another and not judge. We all can learn something from each other.
@Joel : Not possible.. That word will remain till the end of this world…. These people will never change this stupid attitude…
@Del : Yeah all should learn good things from other good people…
Racism is evil and it a terrible scougre in our society today. Selerines you do tackle important daily issues . . . I like that
I am black :P so what?
In my country, South Africa, I feel that we have gone past that. I haven't seen any visibility of it at all but I will hang in faith that racism is a thing of the past.
I like your topics Selerines...
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