Recently one rumour/prediction is conquering all the minds. It's none other than the predictions about
"End of our World in 2012". I don't know to how much extent this is true. I read the book of Nostradamus, in which he predicted so many things that are going to happen in future. So many incidents are happened as same like his prediction, for example
World Trade Center demolition in 2001 which is given in his book as a painting. He predicted that the World War 3 will be the end of this world, in which India is going to conquer every thing. In addition to this, the predictions based on Mayan Calendar is telling that 2012 is the end of our world. But the kind of things that are happening now in this world is just making these things as some what true.
Click on images for more information
Note : This post is fully based on the Nostradamus book and the articles that i have seen so far in net. I too don't have any idea about these predictions. So Selerines World is not responsible for any thing.I hope that it will become true. So that it will lead to the evolution of a new war/terrorism/global warming/deforestation/selfish bastards(not all)/selfish bitches(not all) free World.2012 - Is it the End of our World?
2012 is too early to end ourselves da.. Let it be 2021 atleast :D ..
Anyway, I don't believe in these stuff. Those predictions are just a bloody coincidence, Nostradamus is a prodigy, I accept, But still. Its just their personal belief.
As govind says "Kadavul illainu naan epponga sonnen, kaduvul irundha nalla irukum nu thaan solren"..
(Sorry da, Its been a long time i read ur blog, was away for some time :) )
Total bullshit.
It's just the bloody coincidence as said. I just don't give a damn whether it's 2012 or 2021. Who knows even tomorrow the end may come.
maybe not. but who knows. everyone should be prepared anytime. the Bible says we will never know when it will happen.
i dont see it as the end of the world. i see it more like the judgment day but not the end.
i believe there's life after death.
"I too don't have any idea about these predictions".
"I hope that it will become true"
Which one is right?
now Selerines World is responsible for every thing
so from now onwards you will be seeing the Mayan Calendar and do everythings ah?
I had seen that movie when I was a kid and was really scared. I am only hopeful that we can reach more years but in our rate and the things we are doing with our nature, the time of destruction could be very soon
Hi, these people are just going round and round in cicles. No one knows the time when the end will come. What I know for sure is that we are in the end times. Anytime the end may come. Be prepared folks. The question is, "Where are you going to spend eternity?"
was busy wid exams, anyways thx 4 sharing dis piece from nostradam's book
Nostradamus' prophecies have never been true. Its been misinterpreted after translation. According to him a One eyed Monster would come into world in 1985. I was born in 1985 WITH MOST OF MY FRIENDS, and believe me none of us were monsters..:)
People like to believe it the way they want to because one aspect missing in his sayings is clarity. Everything is unclear.
Our holy books are more clear in that regard.
I clicked the pictures.. read and watched the videos...
scary as it is
Noooooooooooooo.. i am still to young to die! Im goin to be 21 at that time ... shit... not enough time to enjoy my life... people up there... 2021? still not enough time for me... it will never happen!!
heheh that is my opinion... I must at least kiss someone before i die...
i never really believe it will happen. only GOD knows when.
well, if people believe in such stuff, in a way maybe it will help people change... i don't think anyone would really, truly love to be in hell (or any related plane, state, level, etc.) ... and even if some don't believe in the after-life, i think they would also try to do something beneficial to make their life on earth worthwhile... well, just my opinion...
This is nice blog, I have searched
this kind of blog, Because we must
get some useful information from the site.
I read this information 12 month earlier in Daily Thandhi (Tamil Newspaper).
I am unable to believe this news.
I need to remember sivaji's film dialog.
(Rajinikanth performed well in 2007 )
"Sagara Naall Therincha, Vazhkinra Naall Naragama Akividum".
So why we need bother about future.
Continue... to post your thoughts.
Hi Selerines, could you please share the links to other site that contain these profecies/videos/articles?
Only God knows when the world would end. It is up to belief I think. What do you believe in?
Nice post Selerines :)
Only God knows when the world would end. It is up to belief I think. What do you believe in?
Nice post Selerines :)
Oh my god! I definitely hope that this is not true at all. I do not want to die when I am only 17!!!
If the world does end in 2012, that would disprove the Christian religion though. In Revelations it says that we will not know when it will happen.
@Abdul : No religious comments dude.... All are One....
@Enday : You enjoyed it right???? Fine then... Don't get scary my friend....
@Linkin : Just Kiss is enough ha da??? Hehehehehe.....
@Lawstude : Hoping for the best.. Let use see....
@Lareine : Nice comment.... But i won't hope for it... It's not possible... These people (not all) will never change...
@Manian : Thanks dude... Keep in touch...
@Cyeat : I will post the comment in your blog friend..... Check it out....
@Dravitoz : I believe nature.... It will answer every thing.... I trust nature and i accept every thing that it gives to us.. Whether it's good or bad... According to me Nature is God.....
@Henry : Yeah 17 is too earlier.... Hope for the best...
There were reportedly more than 80 days for the End of the Earth. Nothing worked, and this will fail as well.
And there will be no life on Earth when it dies.
Very interesting prediction. Too many theories and too many predictions.
Let's leave it to god. To the rest of us, let us do good like there is no tomorrow and if we want to do something bad, thing that we will die tomorrow. The world will be a much better place.
Yeah I heard about this too, that based on the Mayan Calendar it is the end of the world in 2012. It is a scary thought.Awareness and action has to be done now specially concerning our environment.
Man, I thought Nostradamus's Doomsday prediction was for back in year 2000?
I would not be surprised to read that George Bush is a Nostradamus fanatic.
A powerful person can do anything to realize one's dreams.
Hello Selerines,
Here is a nice link on the subject :
Hope you enjoy it.
Yeah! It is absolutely true. The world is going to get destroyed. I have prepared for everything. Make sure you do the same. Or else everyone is doomed!
@Gowtham : Lets see dude..
@Abdul : Nicely said….
@Del : Yeah you are right… Surely we should take some actions in protecting our environment…
@A.I : Yeah you are absolutely right.. But no more comments….
@Helene : Surely I will try it dude.. Thanks for it..
@Sundar : Prepared for every thing.. That’s cool comment….I am yet to prepare..
this is a nice topic to blog about. very interesting to read further about, too.
the world is probably bound to end, we just don't really know when... but i hope it won't end too soon yet. it'll be sad...
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