Thursday, July 31, 2008

** Our Politicians are Clowns; Paying lip service (but their hearts are very far from the matter at hand!)

Many politicians are saying that i will do this, my party will do this and so on. But to say the truth finally they won't do any thing for the people, except few ones. They will simply make us fool at last and all our votes become waste.In order to gain votes from the public these people are saying many things, but finally they won't feel for any thing. They will always give importance to their own life and family. This is what happening in many countries. Even though many of us are aware of it, no one can do any thing against this system of politics. At the same time, it is not even possible for us to find the solution for this problem. In what way we people can get the solution for this. For me this political field is a drainage. Am i right?

:::: Boycott Voting ::::


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