I read Selerines’ post I’m not a Fool, What about you? with amusement. I really liked the imagery he evoked in me when he says that a cigarette is a paper rolled with tobacco on which one end is fire and the other end is a fool.
This got me thinking. So it means everyone who takes up smoking is doing it at his own risk (because, basically, they know the effects of cigarette smoking on their health). So the title FOOL fits them. A fool is a person who does something knowing full well that the consequences of his/her actions will be to their detriment.
For a safer Generation, please ponder on these two points:
· There is something I plead with these cigarette companies to do first:
Sirs, there are some words written at the bottom of the cigarette packets. They say:
“Cigarette smoking is harmful to your health.”
But they are written in very small print. Please make the writing a bit bigger so that everyone can see them and decide whether or not they want to proceed with smoking.
· All governments, the world over, should ban smoking in public areas. At least this will reduce the number of people who suffer from lung cancer (and other diseases) due to passive smoking.
At least there are some governments that have taken the cue!
For instance, the government of Holland recently (in the past few days) passed a law forbidding people from smoking in public areas. The law will take effect as from January next year.
Will more governments follow this trend?
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Thursday, July 3, 2008
Public smoking should be outlawed
Posted by
Selerines Group
7/03/2008 10:00:00 PM
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No one here smokes without knowing the consequence, and those statement like "Cigarette smoking is injurious blah blah" are just disclaimers, nothing else.
The rule, oh yes that good. But over here in India, it sucks big time.
@Richard : Thanks for appreciating my work sir...
At the same time, these kind of rules are not going to help in any way, particularly in India. It will just look like a blind one to all of us.
Whether they print in big letters or small letters, that doesn't matter. Here every one knows the effects of Cigarette. But still they are getting addicted to that. The reason is they wants to end up their priceless life in a short time.
Only solution is "Destroy all the Cigarette companies, instead on banning in public places"
As Visu says, it sucks big time in India...
even if the package will be filled with "cigarette is cancerous" im sure smokers won't stop smoking. it has been there for quite sometime now but people still smoke.
in indonesia (not really sure), they placed a picture of what cancerous lung looks like in one whole side of the cigarette package but had very less effect.
i just watched oprah's show days back where dr. oz explains what would best be done to reduce smokers.
maybe one effective way to lessen is to impose high tax on cigarettes.
uhhh..... smoking sucks.. i've got this friend.. she told me if i wanna smoke.. try the ICE COOL MINT dunhill brand i guess... she said it was nice.. ver cooling... and i was shocked to hear that from her.... and also extra info she told me.. not to smoke SALEM coz you'll be infertile..??? wtf?? dont tell me these things coz ill never smoke... but quite good information for those who smoke... i mean the infertility caused by smoking... hahaha
Shiva, How do you expect government to ban cigarettes? Revenue , my dear friend, revenue. But imposing high tax is a good idea, lets see.
According to this logic, McDonald's food should be outlawed also, as the public knows that eating it would be to their detriment.
Smoking, like drinking alcohol, consuming fast food, or anything else harmful is a personal choice. People know what they're getting themselves into.
Public smoking will never be banned, not as long as the tobacco companies are allowed to lobby in Washington D.C.
@Dong : That's nice try... But surely these things won't work... May be Self realization is the only solution... But it's not possible...
@Linkin : Nice to have a friend like you here... Fine keep it up that good habit da....
@Visu : These people will try to steal some thing from the home, to buy those costly Cigarettes. Because it is having the power of changing the Human minds and their mindset..... As you say, let us see and hope for the best...
@Mike : Welcome to Selerines World....
Nice comment... If any thing seems to be harmful to mankind means, then it should be banned and destroyed.. That's my point... I don't know how many of you will go with this.... Keep in touch here..
I agree with all you guys. Smoking is such a no-brainer that everyone who is smoking should be banished from society (I'm not serious but that is what I feel!).
no way of these governments ban the cigar....should search for some other
In my country smoking is banned everywhere except on the streets and in private houses, and the disclaimers are written in so big letters that they take half the packet.
We also have disclaimers on food advertisements and alcohol.
We're getting really fed up with being told what to do. I don't smoke but I don't see the logic in forbidding all this.
Fully support government intervention on banning public smoking. I think apart from that the parents and media also play important role in instilling proper education on children so that they'll not become smoker later in life.
Smoking is injurious to health. Be it active or passive. Only if the prices of Cigarette packets increase to say, Rs.1000 per packet, the nuisance will cease
hi selerines, thanks for always visiting my blog, i can see yours is doing well
@Ritch : Who is smoking should be banished from society... Not possible sir... Them most of us won't be here...
@Harish : Welcome to Selerines World... What way dude?
@Helene : You can't able to get the logic ha? Oh my goodness... Human life is the logic here..
@Cyeat : Nice idea friend... You are absolutely right. Media and the parents plays a major role in this issue...
@Hariharan : Never never.. No chance....
@Collins : Stay in touch here friend...
Nice one.....try posting about various addiction like rinking, drugs, games, Pc etc... just an FYI my friend
We can't change them, even some of our friends. Let them die.
Dear Selerines, today I saw an (old) article in the Times of India stating that victims of domestic abuse tend to smoke to release stress.
OK, so smoking is not good.
Being beaten is not good either.
Why do people smoke, drink, use drugs ?
How much years do anxiety/depression/fear take out of your life ? What can you do about it ? What is life all about ? Are we just meant to be healthy and work the most we can until we die ? Do we have right over our own bodies ?
You are very young, and problably full of ideals. It's good. It's very good to read :o)
I'm older and slightly paranoid :o)
I just can't help wondering why we got so much propaganda to smoke in the old times, and why we get so much propaganda now to stop smoking. After all, at the basis, tobacco is a sacred plant for the Native Americans, used scarcily in spiritual rituals.
And so, I have smoked only once or twice in my life and didn't like it, but it doesn't give me the right to judge people that find something in tobacco/sex/alcohol/fat foods...
I believe in what my people call "libre arbitre" (self determination) and I am always hostile to State manipulation - even for good causes :o)
Please have a look at this horrible article :
Unless a thief makes up his mind to be good we can't stop theft, likewise we can't stop smoking unless the Smokers care for themselves and others. So WE should better take some initiatives towards our near and dears to make them stop smoking, rather than asking the Government and Cigarette companies to take initiatives.
@Rathish : Welcome to Selerines World.. Sure dude thanks for your opinion..
@Hari : Yeah you are right.. Let them die…
@Helene : Sure friend..
@Joel : How they will take? Not possible..
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