Monday, December 15, 2008

** Bush Shoe Dodge

A person who is in a high qualified position may face some unexpected reactions from the public and from the media; this is very common in their life. This is applicable to each and every country in this world. The reason behind this is, decisions that are taken by them may be not acceptable for most of the people or else it may have caused some problems to them and so on. So a person who doesn’t like them will start to show the anger at public meetings so on. We saw so many incidents like this, like wise one incident is happened in Iraq, during the American president’s Bush recent visit to there.

As we all know that the president Bush time is coming to an end by this year and new Government is going to be formed by next year. So President Bush made a last farewell visit to Iraq as US president in his lifetime. Mr. Bush and Iraqi PM Nouri Maliki signed the new security agreement between their countries. The pact calls for US troops to leave Iraq in 2011 - eight years after the 2003 invasion that has in part defined the Bush presidency.
In the middle of the news conference with Mr. Maliki, Iraqi television journalist Muntadar al-Zaidi stood up and shouted "This is a goodbye kiss from the Iraqi people, dog," before hurling a shoe at Mr. Bush which narrowly missed him. Muntadar al-Zaidi was quickly wrestled to the ground and hauled away. With his second shoe, which the president also managed to dodge, Mr. Zaidi said: "This is for the widows and orphans and all those killed in Iraq."

Mr. Zaidi, a correspondent for Cairo-based al-Baghdadiya TV, was then wrestled to the ground by security personnel and hauled away. After this incident "If you want the facts, it's a size 10 shoe that he threw," Mr. Bush joked afterwards.

Al-Baghdadiya's bureau chief told the Associated Press that he had no idea what prompted Mr. Zaidi to attack President Bush, although reports say he was once kidnapped by a militia and beaten up.

Even though we have anger at someone because of their actions, this is not the right way to react at them. But at the same time Bush reacted to this incident in a humorous way, it shows that we should keep silence during bad times.

I hope that these kinds of incidents won’t get repeated during Mr. Obama’s presidency. What you people think about it?


DMin said...

deserves it...

Anonymous said...

Lol. Even I posted on this. I never expected this but many wanted something like this to happen. And finally it has happened :D

Anonymous said...

But who throws a shoe, really... Man, a shoe!!!

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Marc said...

Bush completely deserved it.

Heard of Guantanamo Bay?

Haayylayp said...

I was flabbergasted when I saw the vid! I was hoping the shoes and Bush's face would connect and create some kind of a sound. Would have been memorable! I wonder if he'd react differently if he got hit. Hmmm...

Anonymous said...

these shoe throwing games are too funny

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