Here we will discuss about an interesting topic,
Homosex. How many of you accept this term in your life? Now a days this thing is very famous among many youngsters, regardless of whether it is correct or not. In some of the Western and European countries, homosex is legalized. But how far you people accept this? We all are going to have nice and happy life with our respective partners in future, then what's the need for this fucking relationship? Do you all think that this is an compulsory and acceptable one? I don't have any idea about the chances of getting sexual diseases through having homosex. I am not ready to discuss much about this here, I hope that this thing is enough to explain the subject of this post to all of you. You people just tell, what you all think about the legalization of homosex ?
Check out this video
First, the word is 'homosexuality', not 'homosex'.
Due to the narrow minded society that you grew up in, you feel revulsion for homosexuality. (Fact: homosexuality is illegal under Indian law.) The rest of the world has a more liberal view. Why do you hate them so much? Why do you want to persecute a minority community for what they want to do with their own bodies in private? You hate them just like VHP hates Christians. Where is the difference? What moral authority do you have to look down upon homosexuals? Change yourself.
There are many articles on the subject all over the internet. I suggest you read them first before posting a misinformed post that is typical of an intolerant Indian.
ok homosexuality yupp ti's an interesting topic wat I feel is why do we feel we r normal can't they be the the real normal creatures.
Its all perspective tat matters and not the reality.
I donno antyhing aby the legalisation of the issue can't really say anything.
If you don't prefer, just ignore it.
Homo sex is legalized here, they even have a separate dating site.
See the type of comments you are getting from Indians. They don't understand the subject or know anything about homosexuality.
By the way, there is no legal issue involved. It is like the government interfering and saying that you cannot eat potatoes. Makes as much sense too.
this is a rather complex issue... because it is not only a matter of accepting them, it is also of correlating them to the environment/society/norms we grew up in...
i have no problems with accepting/tolerating others --homosexual or not, male or female, black or white, etc. as long as they are respectful and tolerant of other, too...
by the way, if you want i can send you bigger photos of the photos you like (i tend to resize/compress them for easy downloading)...
Due to the sensitive nature of this issue, regardless what you choose to say on this matter...you are sure to be on someone's hit list.
For me though, love is still love regardless of your sex. =} Now I'm sounding really controversial.
Yes, "homosex" as you call it, should be legal everywhere. You just need to have an open mind dude. If it's not effecting you, than what's wrong with it? Just because some people do it, doesn't mean everybody will. The trick to living a happy life is to think about something from every point of view. First of all, I will think about it from the perspective of a non-gay person. "Homosexuality is against my religion, and I try to stick to it. Maybe I shouldn't support it because then everyone will know that this is not accepted in the eyes of god/budda/goddess/alla/whomever I worship." Now, think about it from the gay's perspective. "This is something I cannot help. I have had these feelings all my life. It is my personal choice, and I just wish that whether or not people support it, that they would not say mean things and still respect me." After analyzing the two perspectives, the conclusion I come up with is this. Homosexuality is not looked well upon in some religions/cultures, but we still need to respect those people. It is not their fault that they are that way. I also know that they don't have to act upon their urges, but that is their choice. Just like it is not looked highly upon in some religions to eat certain foods, but we still respect the people who choose to eat them. Homosexuality is neither right or wrong in my opinion, and the same goes for heterosexuality. It just exists, and saying rude or hurtful things to people won't change anything for the better. It can just lead to feeling like shit, depression, denial, and possibly suicide. I think that everybody should really think about this from a very educated and open minded point of view before saying anything about it to anybody. :-)
Marc, i said that if Siva doesn't waan read it then better ignore it. Why to disturb these people, let them be at peace.
People in India won't accept it whatever explanation we give and they won't try to read also. What to do?
@All : Most of the people saying that
"If some carries out some action, if it does not affect us in any case, then we no need to bother about it, right?"
"If I do some thing, if it is correct from point of view, then no one will bother about it, right?"
"If one person wanna rape a girl, if it does not affect you in any case, if that person feels that he is correct from his point of view, then you people will accept it as correct, right?"
We have to see every thing from society point of view, if we always see the things from our own point of view, then no use of living here in this society.
We all have so many nice relationships to enjoy in this beautiful world, then what's the need for these kind of relationships in our life time.
Always pointing out the people like narrow minded, illiterate people and so on is of no use... Even though you people see the thing from broad point of view, some thing is there fro all of us, right?
Here through this post I am not trying to compel any one to accept my views. because each and every one is having their own thoughts and perspective views. Nothing wrong in it... But how many of you will accept this in your personal life????
Will you accept Gay Sex, in your son's life?
Will you accept Lesbian Sex, in your Daughter's life?
How many of you are ready to answer this question?
Then I am ready to change my mindset and to apologize in front of you all.......
@Marc : Not all things are tolerable dude.... If you see every thing from broad point of view means, then what's the point?
@Rachel : Don't always try to point Indians mam, you are also an Indian. Keep it in your mind.....
Answer my questions......
"If one person wanna rape a girl, if it does not affect you in any case, if that person feels that he is correct from his point of view, then you people will accept it as correct, right?"
Rape is not a private matter between two people. It is a criminal offence. Don't confuse homosexuality with crimes.
We all have so many nice relationships to enjoy in this beautiful world, then what's the need for these kind of relationships in our life time.
You say this because homosexuality is disgusting to you. Most of the world considers it natural and just as beautiful as traditional man-woman relationships.
Will you accept Gay Sex, in your son's life?
Will you accept Lesbian Sex, in your Daughter's life?
Yes to both questions. Parents should not control their children. Only Indian parents like to decide their childrens' life instead of letting them make their own decisions.
@Marc : Not all things are tolerable dude.... If you see every thing from broad point of view means, then what's the point?
It is not tolerable to you since you are Indian and have been brought up with traditional intolerant Indian ideals.
I blame you for being narrow-minded still even though you have access to the internet and the volumes of knowledge it contains. I suggest you read some articles on homosexuality so that you can make an informed opinion based on knowledge rather than what you have heard or imagined.
The following people were gay:
Alexander the Great - Macedonian Ruler, 300 B.C.
Socrates - Greek Philosopher, 400 B.C.
Oscar Wilde - Irish author, 19th c.
Michelangelo - Italian artist, 15th c.
Leonardo Da Vinci - Ital. Artist, scientist, 15th c.
Elton John - English Rock Star, 20th c.
Aristotle - Greek philosopher, 384-322 B.C.
So are these people disgusting? Do their contributions to society/arts not matter at all because of their sexual orientation?
How is your hatred of gay people different from racial and gender discrimination?
Firstly, You should love your children, no matter what their sexual orientation is! Secondly, rape is done without the consent of both sides, and thirdly, I don't really understand what you mean by saying that if you are always open minded, then what's the point. Being open minded means that you aren't stuck to one point of view, and that you can consider the issue from everybody's point of view, and actually give an educated answer. I think there is a lot more of a point to that than just saying ignorant, one sided things. I'm sorry, but there is no reason for hating homosexuality other than because you are afraid of it. Sometimes it is best to overcome your fears. I'm bisexual, do you hate me? Do you think I'm disgusting? Will you still be my friend? Just a few questions. I don't mean to sound so rude, but I have very strong opinions about this.
I find arranged marriage far more revolting than homosexuality. And yet it is the norm in India.
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